Reflexology in Glasgow...
For Life, Health and Well-Being

A balanced body is capable of healing itself but becomes stuck in a state of imbalance during times of stress and illness or injury. Reflexology uses specific reflex points on the feet (and hands) which correspond to all the organs, glands and systems in the body to restore that original equilibrium and encourage healing.

In order for the body to be in full health, the physical body as well as the mind, emotions and spirit must be balanced. Treatment of the reflex areas on the feet and hands stimulates the healing powers of the whole person.

Reflexology may be useful in:

Preventing ill health
Maintaining good health
Reflexology is a deeply relaxing treatment and when the body is relaxed and in a tranquil state, it is will be in a much better state to heal itself. I take a very gentle, but 'energetic' approach which induces that lovely feeling of physical and mental relaxation, but has therapeutic value at the same time.

To find out more information follow the links below.

What are the benefits of reflexology?

Eases pain
Deep relaxation
Balances hormones
Improved circulation
Increases oxygen levels
Strengthened immunity
Improves state of mind
Aids digestion and bowel movements
Boosts flow of energy round the body

What happens during a treatment?

I will take you through a full consultation/medical history and decide on a suitable treatment plan to suit your needs using a combination of techniques to release tension and congestion and stimulate energy flow within the body.

I will bring my comfortable reclining reflexology chair to support you fully during your treatment.
You will have a full reflexology foot treatment adapted to your specific needs and areas of congestion or depletion.

You only need to remove your shoes and socks for reflexology.

How will I feel during and after the treatment?

This depends on the level of congestion within your body, but everyone responds differently. Some people feel no effects after the treatment and others feel that their feet are quite sensitive. Any sensitive reflexes should ease after a few sessions as I work on releasing the congestion.

Some people will benefit from a more invigorating and vital type of treatment which will increase the life force and energy within and add some zest to their lives.

Every foot in it's structure is different, and every client who owns that foot is different - hormonally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. To be an effective therapist, I have to be able to adapt constantly to these variations.
In order for the treatment to really be effective, there may be some element of discomfort. Don't worry, as it is often described as a 'sweet pain' or a 'good hurt' much like the pain you feel when getting a good massage. Any sensitivity in the feet should subside after a few sessions as I work on releasing the congestion within those areas.

Don't be alarmed if you seem to get a little worse after the treatment. This is commonly known as the 'healing response' and is due to your body releasing toxins. It is a good sign that the body is responding well and you should drink plenty of filtered water, ideally with a squeeze of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to help flush out the toxins and support the liver.

How Many Treatments Will I need?

Everybody is unique so heals differently and at different rates. A noticeable response to the treatment with some relief from symptoms is usually felt within the first 3 to 6 treatments. Reflexology has an accumulative effect and the body needs time to respond. Disease or 'dis-ease' of the body normally occurs over a period of time, so will take time to eradicate. 

I would advise a monthly maintenance treatment if you have no major health conditions as this will keep the body balanced and may prevent dis-ease from taking hold. If you suffer from any health conditions then weekly treatments are recommended, ideally with two or more treatments per week in the first few weeks, for more serious or chronic conditions. Some clients really enjoy how relaxed they feel after a treatment so come along at times of stress or anxiety.

PLEASE always consult your GP in the first instance should you have any conditions which require medical attention or intervention.

Susan Mackay of Good Healing Reflexology DOES NOT claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition. The information provided on this web site is to give you information about the service offered so that you can make an informed choice. This is not professional medical advice and is not a means of diagnosis or treatment, nor is it intended to be a substitute of allopathic healthcare. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a general health question, it is recommended you should consult your doctor. The services provided by Good Healing Reflexology are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical conditions.
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