Fertility & Maternity

I’m proud to say that I have trained with some of the most well-known and respected Reflexologists in the business:

Conception and Maternity Reflexology 
with Sally Earlam, Head of Training and Education at the Association of Reflexologists.

Reflexology for Women’s Health 
with Hagar Basis

Advanced Maternity 
with Jenni Tribe of the Susanne Enzer Maternity Reflexology Consortium.

Fertility Reflexology

Reflexology is now being offered as a complementary therapy alongside fertility treatments at some forward thinking clinics. They are only just now realising something that I’ve known for years, that reflexology is amazing for supporting women and couples through their fertility journey.

Reflexology can be extremely beneficial for couples struggling with fertility problems.

Key Benefits

Hormone Balancing
Regulating the Menstrual Cycle
Relieving Anxiety
I’m proud and excited to say that my success rate for Fertility is very high, because I treat every client as an individual and create bespoke fertility treatment plans for each and every one based on a thorough consultation. I have many many examples of clients who have experienced the amazing benefits of fertility reflexology, even some who were a bit skeptical to start with!

I support women who have undergone several rounds of IVF and been told they have ‘unexplained infertility’, women who have suffered multiple miscarriages, couples who have low sperm count and/or progesterone issues etc, anyone who needs to reduce their stress levels, male and female clients with hormonal imbalances (yes, men have hormones too!) the list goes on and on...
If you would like to have a chat about your own personal situation and to see whether reflexology could help you, please get in touch.

Maternity Reflexology

Reflexology is perfectly safe all the way through pregnancy. I am fully qualified and regulated by The Association of Reflexologists who have extremely high standards for their members so you know you are in good hands at this special and important time.

Reflexology may be able to support you with many of the familiar woes associated with pregnancy and regular monthly treatments will help you to feel human again.

Benefits of Maternity Reflexology

Release of Tension
Improved Sleep
Improved Mood
Increased Wellbeing
Improves Circulation
Lymphatic Drainage
I treat the whole person not just symptoms so you should notice many benefits as a result of having regular treatments throughout your pregnancy.

Post-Natal treatments are also a lifesaver after the baby is here, when you might be feeling a little bit low in energy and mood or suffering from aches and pains. Reflexology aids the body’s own healing process so it’s great for recovery post birth.

Again, a full consultation will determine which reflexes I focus on in order to give you the most effective treatment possible.

I can also offer some advice on techniques for baby if required, that you can do easily at home.

Susan Mackay of Good Healing Reflexology DOES NOT claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition. The information provided on this web site is to give you information about the service offered so that you can make an informed choice. This is not professional medical advice and is not a means of diagnosis or treatment, nor is it intended to be a substitute of allopathic healthcare. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a general health question, it is recommended you should consult your doctor. The services provided by Good Healing Reflexology are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical conditions.
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